-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 101 -
Fine milling a circular groove that has been rough milled as follows by the canned cycle
code G114.
G90 G00 X50 Y50 Z50 ; Rapid positioning
G99 G114 X25 Y25 Z-50 R5 I50 J30 D1 F800 ; Outer circle fine milling
G80 X50 Y50 Z50 ;
Cancel canned cycle and return from point R level
M30 ;
End of program
3.31.5 Outer Circle Rough Milling Cycle (G116/G117)
This cycle starts from the staring point, cutter make circle interpolation with specified radius &
direction , until milling a pad.
G116: CCW Outer Circle Rough Milling cycle, G111: CW Outer Circle Rough Milling Cycle.
Format: G116/G117 X_ Y_ Z_ R_ I_ J_ W_ Q_ K_ C_ E_ D_ F_ ;
X_Y_: The starting point in XY plane
Z_ :
The distance from point R to the bottom of the hole
R_ :
The distance from the initial level to point R level
I_ :
Radius of rough milling outer circle
J_ :
Radius of workpiece
W_ :
Depth of 1st cutting feed, distance from point R level
Q_ :
Depth of each cutting feed in Z-axis direction
K_ :
Incremental Width in XY plane
C_ :
First cutting feed in X-axis direction
V_ :
Height between unprocessed surface and cutter
E_ :
Allowance for outer circle rough milling
D_ :
Tool radius offset number
F_ :
Cutting Feedrate
Note: 1. Radius of rough milling circle, I, Its absolute value is used if it is negative.
2. Radius of unprocessed workpiece, J, Its absolute value is used if it is negative.
3. Allowance for outer circle rough milling isn't less than 0, otherwise absolute value of negative number.
4. Depth of 1st cutting feed, W, should be greater than 0. If depth of 1st cutting feed exceeds the groove
bottom, then the machining is performed at the groove bottom;
5. Depth of each cutting in Z-axis direction, Q, its absolute value is used if it is negative.
6. Incremental width in XY plane should be less than diameter of cutter, greater than 0. Its absolute value
is used if it is negative. If without specify K, default K= radius of cutter.