-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 104 -
E_ :
Allowance for outer rectangle rough milling
D_ :
Tool radius offset number
F_ :
Cutting Feedrate
Note: 1. Width of rough milling outer rectangle, I & J, Its absolute value is used if it is negative.
2. Width of unprocessed workpiece,A&B, Its absolute value is used if it is negative.
3. Allowance for outer rectangle rough ,E, isn't less than 0, otherwise absolute value of negative number.
4. Depth of 1st cutting feed, W, should be greater than 0. If depth of 1st cutting feed exceeds the groove
bottom, then the machining is performed at the groove bottom;
5. Depth of each cutting in Z-axis direction, Q, its absolute value is used if it is negative.
6. Incremental width in XY plane should be less than diameter of cutter, K, is greater than 0. Its absolute
value is used if it is negative. If without specify K, default K= radius of cutter.
7. Value of first cutting feed in X-axis direction, C, should not be less than radius of 2.0, When
positive number,feed in positive direction of X-axis;when negative number, feed in negative direction of X-axis.
8. Range of Tool radius offset number , D, is 0~32. default is 0.
Command Path:
G132:CCW Outer Rectangle Roughing Cycle
G133: CW Outer Rectangle Roughing Cycle
Command Process:
(1) Rapid positioning to a location within XY plane ;
(2) Rapid down to point R level , and then rapid down to point W level at first time;