-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 56 -
Fig3.19.4 Tool offset for circular interpolation
3.G45-G48 are ignored in canned cycle mode. Perform tool offset by specifying G45 to G48 before
entering canned cycle mode and cancel the offset after releasing the canned cycle mode.
Example: Program using tool offset
N1 G91 G46 G00 X80.0 Y50.0 D01
N2 G47 G01 X50.0 F120.0
N3 Y40.0
N4 G48 X40.0
N5 Y-40.0;
N6 G45 X30.0
N7 G45 G03 X30.0 Y30.0 J30.0
N8 G45 G01 Y20.0
N9 G46 X0
N10 G46 G02 X-30.0 Y30.0 J30.0
N11 G45 G01 Y0 ;
N12 G47 X-120.0
N13 G47 Y-80.0
N14 G46 G00 X-80.0 Y-50.0
N9: Decrease toward the positive direction for movement amount “0”. The tool moves in the -X
direction by the offset value. N11:Decrease toward the positive direction for movement amount “0”.
The tool moves in the +Y direction by the offset value
N1 G46 G00 X_ Y_
N2 G45 G01 Y_ F_
N3 G45 G03 X_ Y_ I_ ;
N4 G01 X_