-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 51 -
N9 G90 X-500 Y-500
N10 M02;
Fig3.17.3 Absolute/Incremental command during coordinate system Rotation
Example2: Cutter compensation C and coordinate rotation
It is possible to specify G68 and G69 in cutter compensation C mode. The rotation plane must
coincide with the plane of cutter compensation C.
Fig3.17.4 Cutter compensation C and Coordinate system rotation
N1 G01 X0 Y0 G69 ;
N2 G42 G90 X1000 Y1000 F1000 D01;
N3 G66 R-30000;
N4 G91 X2000 ;
N5 G03 Y1000 R1000 J500
N6 G01 X-2000;
N7 Y-1000 ;
N8 G69 ;
N9 G90 X0 Y0 ;
N10 G42 ;
N11 M30 ;