-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
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example: P140=1001, if machine coordinate value is less than P150(X_reference point_1),X-axis
value of 1st reference point , M77 is valid.
141,M78:Machine Coordinate VS Reference point 2(1002/2002/3002/4002:X/Y/Z/A)
It sets whether M78 is valid after compare axis machine coordinate value & coordinate value
of 2
reference point, 1002: compare axis is X-axis, 2002:Y-axis,3002:Z-axis, 4002:A-axis. When
machine coordinate value is less than coordinate value of 2
reference point,M78 is valid.
150,X_Reference Point_1(mm)
151,Y_Reference Point_1(mm)
152,Z_Reference Point_1(mm)
153,A_Reference Point_1(mm)
These are XYZA coordinate value for 1
reference point
160,X_Reference Point_2(mm)
161,Y_Reference Point_2(mm)
162,Z_Reference Point_2(mm)
163,A_Reference Point_2(mm)
These are XYZA coordinate value for 2
reference point
380,X_Machine Coordinate Value at initial point(ATS)(mm)
381,Y_Machine Coordinate Value at initial point(ATS)(mm)
382,Z_Machine Coordinate Value at initial point(ATS)(mm)
383,Speed in Negative Direction(ATS)(mm/min)
384,Speed in Positive Direction(ATS)(mm/min)
385,Z_Workpiece coordinate Value at surface workpiece after ATS(mm)
386,Positioning Speed(ATS)(mm/min)
387,Mode of ATS(1:Fixed point,0: Float Point)
388,Z_Min Machine Coordinate Value(mm)
389,The Gap value of Z(mm)
390,Total number of tests for automatic tool(1--5)
These parameters are set for Automatic tool setter with tool setter/probe.
400,Axis name display configuration [xxxxx2]
(123456 express XYZABC,Example:123462 shows XYZAC,124502 shows XYAB)
This parameter is just for inner use during debug.
401,Pulse output ports Configuration for Feed Axes[xxxxxxxx0]
It sets pulse signals output ports for feeding axes,12345678 stands for X/Y/Z/A/B/C/Xs/Ys
Example: 123456780, for Example: 123478560, Xs/Ys/B/C axes are output from B/C/Xs/Ys pulse
output port.
501,Shift Color Display of Screen(1:No, 8:Yes)
It sets if shift color display of screen, 1: No shift; 8:Yes,shift to black color.
601,Define Parameters for Step
It sets current parameters to ex-factory set for step system when machine tool is configured
with stepper motor&driver.The operation is done before debugging.