-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 13 -
2.1.7 Tool Function
When drilling, tapping,boring,milling or the like, is performed , it is necessary to select a
suitable tool. When a number is assigned to each tool and the number is specified in the program,
the corresponding tool is selected.
Fig2.1.10 Tool Magazine
<When No.01 is assigned to a drilling tool>
When the tool is stored at location 01 in the ATC magazine, the tool can be selected by
specifying T01. This is called the tool function.
2.1.8 Command For Machine Operations
When machining is actually started,it is necessary to rotate the spindle, and feed coolant. For
this purpose, On-Off operations of spindle motor and coolant valve should be controlled.
Fig2.1.11 Miscellaneous Function
The function of specifying the On-Off operations of the components of the machine is called
the miscellaneous function. In general, the function is specified by an M code(See Chapter 4)
For example, when M03 is specified, the spindle is rotated clockwise at the specified spindle