-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 124 -
5.3 Usage for automatic tool setting gauge
1. Note for parameter:
Define macro variables of the automatic tool setting gauge function are as follows (corresponding
to the other parameters P380 - P390):
P380: X_Machine coordinate value at initial position(ATS);(Unit:mm)
P381: Y_Machine coordinate value at initial position(ATS);(Unit:mm)
P382: Z_Machine coordinate value at initial position(ATS);(Unit:mm)
P383: Speed in Negative direction(ATS);(mm/min)
P384: Speed in positive speed(ATS);(mm/min)
P385: Z_Workpiece coordinate value at surface of workpiece after ATS;(mm)
P386: Positioning Speed (ATS);(mm/min)
P387: Mode of Automatic tool setting (1: fixed point, 0: floating point).
P388: Z_minimal machine coordinate value (mm);
P389: The gap value of Z axis [The height which is the gauge surface relative to the workpiece
P390: Total number of tests for automatic tool set (1--5)
Fixed point gauge means putting the gauge in a fixed position, every time the X Y Z axis are
automatic running to the fixed point first in tool setting; But the floating point gauge search the tool
setting gauge signal along negative of the Z axis.
The input point X25 is default to be the checking point of automatic tool setting gauge to input.
2.The instruction: M880 (corresponding to ProgramUser0) automatic tool setting instruction; M882
(corresponding to ProgramUser2), M883 (corresponding to ProgramUser3) set the gap of Z axis.
3. Automatic tool setting steps:
a)Set the P380--P388 parameter in other parameter;
b)Set the P389 parameter in other parameter to set the gap of Z axis: this operation needs to be
set only once.
A.Run M882 instruction in MDI to set the gap of Z axis;
B.Manual run Z axis to move the tool nose to the workpiece surface;
C.Run M883 instruction in MDI to automatic set the gap of Z axis P389 parameter in other
c) MDI choose the workpiece coordinate system G54/G59;
d) Automatic tool setting: MDI running the M880 instruction, automatic set the Z
axis offset of the current workpiece coordinate system.