-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
- 61 -
3.27 Details of Tool Compensation C
This section provides a detailed explanation of the movement of the tool for tool compensation
C outlined in Section 3.20.
3.27.1 Inside and outside
When an angle of intersection created by tool paths specified with move commands for two
blocks is over 180º, it is referred to as “Inside”. When the angle is between 0º and 180º, it is referred
to as “Outside”.
The following symbols are used in subsequent figures:
S: a position at which a single block is executed once. L: the tool moves along a straight line.
SS : a position at which a single block is executed twice.
: the center of the tool.
C: the tool moves along a arc.
r: the tool compensation value.
An intersection is a position at which the programmed paths of two blocks intersect with each
other after they are shifted by r.
3.27.2 Tool movement when start-up
When the offset cancel mode is changed to offset mode, the tool moves as illustrated below:
Tool path in start-up has two types A and B, and they are selected by P1 on Tool parameter.
(1) Tool movement around an inside of a corner (α≥180º)
(b) Tool movement around the outside of a corner at obtuse angle (90≤α
Linear (A type)
Linear (B type)