-Shenzhen Guanhong Automation Co.,Ltd.-
SZGH-CNC1000MDb Series
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10,Counting Workpieces Automatically(0:No, 1:Yes)
It set whether system counting number of workpiece automatically, 0:No counting workpieces
automatically; 1:Yes,counting automatically.
11,Increment of shift block
It sets the increment of block when change lines.
12,System Inner Parameter
It is system inner parameter,which cannot be altered.
13,Interlock between Rotation_SP & Chuck(0:No, 1:Yes)
It sets interlock between rotation of spindle and Chuck(M10). 0:No interlock, rotation of
spindle isn’t related to Chuck; 1:Yes,only when chuck is clamping,and then spindle can rotate;
when spindle is rotating, Chuck cannot unclamping.
14,Coolant key is valid on Auto(0:No, 1:Yes)
It sets if Press “Coolant”key is valid on Auto. 0:No,“Coolant” key doesn’t work on Auto; 1:Yes,
“Coolant” key also works in condition of Auto.
17,Type of Driver Alarm(ALM)(0:NO type, 1:NC type)
It sets the type of driver alarm. ALM,PIN12_CN5 plug, 0:NO type; 1:NC type.
18,Type of Spindle Alarm(ALM1)(0:NO type, 1:NC type)
It sets the type of spindle alarm. ALM1,PIN5_CN3 plug,0:NO type; 1:NC type.
19,Type of Machine Alarm(ALM2)(0:NO type, 1:NC type)
It sets the type of machine_tool alarm. Input point is ALM2, PIN2_CN10 plug. 0:NO type;
1:NC type.
20,Control Mode of Chuck(0:Single, 1:Double)
It sets the control mode of chuck, 0:Single control signal for Chuck; 1:Double control signal for
P20=0, one output point for Chuck, M10:clamp chuck, M11: unclamp chuck;
P20=1, two output points for Chuck, M10: output M10(PIN21_CN3 Plug) to clamp chuck; M11:
output M71(PIN9_CN10 Plug) to unclamp chuck.
22,External Switch for Chuck(0:No, 1:Yes)
It sets if there is external switch for control chuck. 0:No,without switch for chuck;1:Yes,with
external switch for chuck. Input point is M16,PIN12_CN10 Plug.
Note: It is reciprocating signal. one is valid,clamp chuck; another is invalid,loose chuck.
24,Time of Chuck(s)
It sets holding time of output M10/M11 for chuck. Unit:second. 0 means M10/M11 are long
signal, also always output M10/M11 is valid.