1 0 5
To a void the possibility of burns
Use pot holders or oven gloves when removing food
from the oven to prevent burns.
Always o pen co ntainers, po pco rn makers, o ven
cooking bags, etc., away from the face and hands to
avoid steam burns and eruption of boiling.
To a v o i d b u r n s, a l w a y s t e st f o o d
tem pera ture a nd stir before serving a nd
pa y specia l a ttention to the tem pera ture
o f f o o d a n d d r i n k g i v e n t o b a b i e s,
children or the elderly.
Te mp e ra ture o f the c o nta ine r is no t a true
indicatio n o f the temperature o f the fo o d o r drink;
always check the fo o d temperature.
Always stand back from the oven door when opening
it to avoid burns from escaping steam and heat.
Slice stuffed baked fo o ds after heating to release
steam and avo id burns.
Keep children away from the door to prevent them
burning themselves.
To a void m isuse by children
W ARN IN G : O nly a llow child r en to use
t h e o v e n w i t h o u t su p e r v i si o n w h e n
a dequa te instructions ha ve been given
so tha t the child is a ble to use the oven
i n a sa f e w a y a n d u n d e r st a n d s t h e
ha za rds of im proper use.
Do no t lean o r swing o n the o ven do o r. Do no t
play with the o ven o r use it as a to y.
C hildre n sho uld b e ta ug ht a ll impo rta nt sa fe ty
instructio ns: use o f po t ho lders, careful remo val o f
fo o d c o ve ring s; p a ying sp e c ia l a tte ntio n to
packaging (e.g. self-heating materials) designed to
make fo o d crisp, as they may be extra ho t.
O ther w a rnings
N ever mo dify the o ven in any way.
Do no t mo ve the o ven while it is in o peratio n.
This o ven is fo r ho me fo o d preparatio n o nly and
ma y o nly b e use d fo r c o o king fo o d . It is no t
suitable fo r co mmercial o r labo rato ry use.
To prom ote trouble-free use of y our oven
a nd a void da m a ge.
N ever o perate the o ven when it is empty.
W he n using a b ro w ning d ish o r se lf-he a ting
material, always place a heat-resistant insulato r
suc h a s a p o rc e la in p la te und e r it to p re ve nt
damage to the turntable and ro ller stay due to heat
stress. The preheating time specified in the dishes
instructio ns must no t be exceeded.
Do no t use metal utensils, which reflect micro waves
and may cause electrical arcing. Do no t put cans
in the o ven.
Keep the po wer supply co rd away fro m heated
surfaces, including the rear o f the o ven.
Do no t attempt to replace the o ven lamp yo urself o r
allo w anyo ne who is no t an electrician autho rised
by SHARP to do so . If the o ven lamp fails, please
c o nsult yo ur d e a le r o r a n a utho rise d SHA RP
service agent.
If the p o w e r sup p ly c o rd o f this a p p lia nc e is
damaged, it must be replaced with a special co rd.
The e xc ha ng e must b e ma de b y a n a utho rise d
SHARP service agent.
To a void the possibility of ex plosion a nd
sudden boiling:
W ARN IN G: Liquids a nd other foods m ust
not be hea ted in sea led conta iners since
they a re lia ble to ex plode.
N ever use sealed co ntainers. Remo ve seals and
lids befo re use. Sealed co ntainers can explo de due
to a build up o f pressure even after the o ven has
been turned o ff.
Take care when micro waving liquids. Use a wide-
mo uthed co ntainer to allo w bubbles to escape.
N e v e r h e a t liq u id s in n a r r o w n e ck e d
conta iners such a s ba by bottles, a s this
may result in the contents erupting from the
container w hen heated and cause burns.
To prevent sudden eruptio n o f bo iling liquid and
po ssible scalding:
1 .
Do not use excessive amount of time (See page
2 .
Stir liquid prior to heating/ reheating.
3 .
It is advisable to insert a glass rod or similar utensil
(not metal) into the liquid whilst reheating.
4 .
Let liquid stand for at least 20 seconds in the oven
at the end o f co o king time to prevent delayed
eruptive boiling.
Do not cook eggs in their shells, and w hole
ha rd boiled eggs should not be hea ted in
microw a ve ovens since they ma y ex plode
even after microw ave cook ing has ended.
To cook or rehea t eggs w hich ha ve not
been scrambled or mix ed, pierce the yolk s
and the w hites, or the eggs may ex plode.
Shell a nd slice ha rd boiled eggs before
reheating them in the microw ave oven.
Pierce the skin o f such fo o ds as po tato es, sausages
and fruit befo re co o king, o r they may explo de.