Parker EME
192-120103 N13 C3I20T11 / C3I32T11 December 2010
Mains filter for NFI01/03 ...................................................................... 364
Mains filter NFI03/01& NFI03/03 ........................................................ 365
Motor output filter MDR01/04 .............................................................. 367
Motor output filter MDR01/01 .............................................................. 367
Motor output filter MDR01/02 .............................................................. 368
Wiring of the motor output filter ........................................................... 368
Mains filter for PSUP30 ....................................................................... 369
Connections to the motor ................................................................... 370
Connection of terminal box MH145 & MH205 .................................... 374
External braking resistors ................................................................... 376
Permissible braking pulse powers of the braking resistors ..................... 377
Calculation of the BRM cooling time ................................................... 378
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM08/01 with C3S025V2 ........... 379
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM09/01 with C3S100V2 ........... 380
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM10/01 with C3S150V4 ........... 380
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM10/02 with C3S150V4 ........... 381
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM05/01 with C3S063V2 ........... 381
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM05/01 with C3S075V4 ........... 382
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM05/02 with C3S075V4 ........... 382
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM04/01 with C3S150V2 ........... 383
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM04/01 with C3S300V4 ........... 383
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM04/02 with C3S150V2 ........... 384
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM04/02 with C3S300V4 ........... 384
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM04/03 with C3S300V4 ........... 385
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM11/01 with C3H0xxV4 ........... 385
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM12/01 with C3H1xxV4 ........... 386
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM13/01 with PSUP10D6 .......... 386
Permissible braking pulse power: BRM14/01 with PSUP10D6 .......... 386
Dimensions of the braking resistors ........................................................... 387
BRM8/01braking resistors................................................................... 387
BRM5/01 braking resistor ................................................................... 387
Braking resistor BRM5/02, BRM9/01 & BRM10/01 ............................ 387
Ballast resistor BRM4/0x and BRM10/02 ........................................... 388
Braking resistor BRM11/01 & BRM12/01 ........................................... 388
Ballast resistor BRM13/01 & BRM14/01 ............................................. 389
Condenser module C4 ......................................................................... 390
Operator control module BDM ............................................................ 391
EAM06: Terminal block for inputs and outputs ................................. 392