up Compax3
C3I20T11 / C3I32T11
192-120103 N13 C3I20T11 / C3I32T11 December 2010
Operating Principle
Window Compax3 InputSimulator:
1. Row:
Standard Inputs E7 ... E0 = “0” button not pressed; = “1” switch pressed
2. Row:
Optional digital inputs (M10 / M12)
Green field: port 4 is defined as input
Red field: port 4 is defined as output
the least significant input is always on the right side
3. Row:
If the button “deactivating physical inputs” is pressed, all physical, digital
inputs are deactivated; only the input simulation is active.
If both sources (physical and simulated inputs) are active, they are or-linked!
Please consider the effects of the or-linking; above all on low-active
4. Row:
Simulation of the analog inputs 0 and 1 in steps of 100mV.
The set value is added to the value on the physical input.
After the input simulation has been called up, all simulated inputs are on “0”.
When the input simulation is left, the physical inputs become valid.