Parker EME
Technical Characteristics
192-120103 N13 C3I20T11 / C3I32T11 December 2010
Special encoder systems for direct
Option F12
Analog hall sensors
Sine-Cosine signal (max. 5Vss*; typical
1Vss) 90° offset
U-V signal (max. 5Vss*; typical 1Vss)
120° offset.
(linear or rotatory)
Sine-Cosine (max. 5Vss*; typical 1Vss)
(max. 400kHz) or
TTL (RS422) (max. 5MHz; track A o. B)
with the following modes of commutation:
Automatic commutation
(see on page
360) or
U, V, W or R, S, T commutation signals
(NPN open collector) e.g. digital hall
sensors, incremental encoders made by
Hengstler (F series with electrical
ordering variant 6)
Digital, bidirectional interface
All EnDat 2.1 or EnDat 2.2 (Endat01,
Endat02) feedback systems with
incremental track (sine-cosine track)
linear or rotary
max. 400kHz Sine-Cosine
Distance coded feedback systems
Distance coding with 1VSS - Interface
Distance coding with RS422 - Interface
*Max. differential input between SIN- (X13/7) and SIN+ (X13/8).
Feedback error compensation
Feedback error compensation
Automatic feedback error compensation (offset &
amplification) for analog hall sensors and sine-
cosine encoder can be activated in the
Motor holding brake output
Motor holding brake output
Voltage range
21 – 27VDC
Maximum output current (short circuit
Securing of brake Compax3M