Parker EME
192-120103 N13 C3I20T11 / C3I32T11 December 2010
Mounting and dimensions Compax3S100V2 and S0xxV4 ................... 71
Mounting and dimensions Compax3S150V2 and S150V4 ................... 72
Mounting and dimensions Compax3S300V4........................................ 73
Mounting and dimensions PSUP/C3M ........................................................... 74
Mounting and dimensions PSUP20/PSUP30/C3M300D6 .................... 75
With upper mounting, the housing design may be different ................. 75
Mounting distances, air currents Compax3H050V4 ............................. 77
Mounting distances, air currents Compax3H090V4 ............................. 77
Mounting distances, air currents Compax3H1xxV4 .............................. 78
Safety function - STO (=safe torque off) .............................................. 79
Important terms and explanations ........................................................ 79
Advantages of using the "safe torque off" safety function. ................... 80
Devices with the STO (=safe torque off) safety function ...................... 81
STO (= safe torque off) with Compax3S ........................................................ 82
STO Principle (= Safe Torque Off) with Compax3S ............................. 82
Conditions of utilization STO (=safe torque off) Safety function ........... 84
Notes on the STO function.................................................................... 84
STO application example (= safe torque off) ........................................ 86
Technical Characteristics STO Compax3S .......................................... 92
STO (= safe torque off) with Compax3m (Option S1) ................................... 93
Safety notes for the STO function in the Compax3M ........................... 94
Conditions of utilization for the STO function with Compax3M............. 94
Compax3M STO application description .............................................. 96
Technical details of the Compax3M S1 option ................................... 101
Setting up Compax3 ............................................................................ 102
Test commissioning of a Compax3 axis ..................................................... 104
Selection of the supply voltage used .......................................................... 104
Measure reference .............................................................................. 109
Change assignment direction reversal / limit switches ....................... 132
Speed for positioning and velocity control .......................................... 133
Acceleration for positioning and velocity control ................................. 133
Acceleration / deceleration for positioning .......................................... 133