C3I20T11 / C3I32T11
192-120103 N13 C3I20T11 / C3I32T11 December 2010
EC directives and applied harmonized EC norms
EC low voltage directive
EN 61800-5-1,
Standard for electric power
drives with settable speed; requirements to
electric safety
EN 60664-1,
isolation coordinates for electrical
equipment in low-voltage systems
EN 60204-1, machinery norm
partly applied
EN 61800-3, EMC standard
Product standard for variable speed drives
COM ports
115200 baud
Word length: 8 bits, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit
Hardware handshake XON, XOFF
RS485 (2 or 4-wire)
9600, 19200, 38400, 57600 or 115200
Word length 7/8 bit, 1 start bit, 1 stop bit
Parity (can be switched off) even/odd
2 or 4-wire
USB (Compax3M)
USB 2.0 Full Speed compatible
Load position control
Dual Loop Option
2. Feedback system for
load position control
(see on page 156) possible.
Signal interfaces
Signal inputs / signal sources
Encoder input track A/B (RS422)
up to max. 10MHz
Internal quadrature of the resolution
Step / direction input (24V-level)
Max. 300kHz at
source impedance
and minimum pulse width of 1.6µs.
+/-10V analog input
14Bit; 62.5µs scanning rate.
SSI - feedback
Signal outputs
Encoder simulation
1...16384 increments/revolution or pitch
Limit frequency 620kHz (track A or B)
Bypass function for encoder feedback
with feedback module F12.(Limit
frequency 5MHz, track A or B).
Signal transmission
HEDA (Option M10 or M11)
Transfer of process values:
from Slave to Master
from Slave to Master and
from Slave to Slave.