CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0013
User Action:
Complete the following steps until the problem is solved:
1. Make sure that the XCC/BMC manegment network cable is connected and the network ports is
2. Make sure that there is a DHCP server on the network that can assign an IP address to the XCC/
3. If problem persists, collect Service Data log.
4. Contact Lenovo Support.
FQXSPNM4011I: ENET[[arg1]] DHCP-HSTN=[arg2], DN=[arg3], IP@=[arg4], SN=[arg5], GW@=
[arg6], DNS1@=[arg7] .
This message is for the use case where a Management Controller IP address and configuration has been
assigned by the DHCP server.
Severity: Info
Serviceable: No
Automatically notify Support: No
Alert Category: none
CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0022
User Action:
Information only; no action is required.
FQXSPNM4012I: ENET[[arg1]] IP-Cfg:HstName=[arg2], IP@=[arg3] ,NetMsk=[arg4], GW@=[arg5] .
This message is for the use case where a Management Controller IP address and configuration has been
assigned statically using user data.
Severity: Info
Serviceable: No
Automatically notify Support: No
Alert Category: none
CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0023
User Action:
Information only; no action is required.
FQXSPNM4013I: LAN: Ethernet[[arg1]] interface is no longer active.
This message is for the use case where a Management Controller ethernet interface is no longer active.
Severity: Info
Serviceable: No
Automatically notify Support: No
Alert Category: none
CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0024
User Action:
Information only; no action is required.
FQXSPNM4014I: LAN: Ethernet[[arg1]] interface is now active.