Information only; no action is required.
FQXSPBR4007I: Management Controller [arg1]: Configuration restoration from a file by user [arg2]
failed to complete.
This message is for the use case where a user restores a Management Controller configuration from a file
and the restoration fails to complete.
Severity: Error
Serviceable: No
Automatically notify Support: No
Alert Category: System - Other
SNMP Trap ID: 22
CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0137
User Action:
Complete the following steps until the problem is solved:
1. Retry the operation.
2. AC cycle the system.
3. If Problem persists, collect Service Data log.
4. Contact Lenovo Support.
FQXSPBR4008I: Management Controller [arg1]: Configuration restoration from a file by user [arg2]
failed to start.
This message is for the use case where a user restores a Management Controller configuration from a file
and the restoration fails to start.
Severity: Error
Serviceable: No
Automatically notify Support: No
Alert Category: System - Other
SNMP Trap ID: 22
CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0138
User Action:
Complete the following steps until the problem is solved:
1. Check if password for encrypted backup config file is correct.
2. Retry the operation.
3. AC cycle the system.
4. If problem persists, collect Service Data log.
5. Contact Lenovo Support.
FQXSPBT0007I: No bootable media available for system [ComputerSystemElementName].
This message is for the use case when an implementation has detected a System with No Bootable
Severity: Info
Serviceable: No
Automatically notify Support: No
Alert Category: System - Other
CIM Prefix: PLAT CIM ID: 0286
ThinkSystem DA240 Enclosure and ThinkSystem SD630 V2 Compute Node Messages and Codes Reference