3. If the problem persists, contact technical support.
FQXPMER0006I: UEFI factory default settings loaded successfully
Severity: Info
User Action:
Information only; no action is required.
FQXPMER0006M: Failed to load XCC factory default settings
Severity: Error
User Action:
1. Restart BMC via supported method and reboot the system.
2. Retry this operation again.
3. If the problem persists, perform AC power cycle. (wait several seconds between AC power is off and
4. Retry this operation again.
5. If the problem persists, contact technical support.
FQXPMER0007I: BMC factory default settings loaded successfully
Severity: Info
User Action:
Information only; no action is required.
FQXPMNM0001G: Failed to set new BMC network parameters.
Severity: Warning
User Action:
1. Ensure input parameters are valid.
2. Wait for one minute and retry the setting.
3. Restart BMC via supported method and reboot the system.
4. Retry the setting change.
5. Use UEFI setup to change parameters (optional).
FQXPMNM0002I: Set BMC network parameters to new values.
Severity: Info
User Action:
Information only; no action is required.
FQXPMOS0001K: Bootx64.efi is not found. Failed to Boot OS.
Severity: Warning
User Action:
1. Restart BMC via supported method and reboot the system.
2. Reflash BMC firmware.
3. Reboot system and retry OS booting.
4. Perform AC reset or virtual reseat.
Lenovo XClarity Provisioning Manager V3 events