This message is for the use case when there is an error with an SSL Server, SSL Client, or SSL Trusted CA
Severity: Error
Serviceable: No
Automatically notify Support: No
Alert Category: System - other
SNMP Trap ID: 22
CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0002
User Action:
Complete the following steps until the problem is solved:
1. Make sure that the certificate that you are importing is correct and properly generated.
2. If problem persists, collect Service Data log.
3. Contact Lenovo Support.
FQXSPSE4001I: Remote Login Successful. Login ID: [arg1] using [arg2] from [arg3] at IP address
This message is for the use case where a user successfully logs in to a Management Controller.
Severity: Info
Serviceable: No
Automatically notify Support: No
Alert Category: System - Remote Login
SNMP Trap ID: 30
CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0014
User Action:
Information only; no action is required.
FQXSPSE4002I: Security: Userid: [arg1] using [arg2] had [arg3] login failures from WEB client at IP
address [arg4].
This message is for the use case where a user has failed to log in to a Management Controller from a web
Severity: Info
Serviceable: No
Automatically notify Support: No
Alert Category: System - Remote Login
SNMP Trap ID: 30
CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0016
User Action:
Complete the following steps until the problem is solved:
1. Make sure that the correct login ID and password are being used.
2. Have the system administrator reset the login ID or password.
FQXSPSE4003I: Security: Login ID: [arg1] had [arg2] login failures from CLI at [arg3].
This message is for the use case where a user has failed to log in to a Management Controller from the
Legacy CLI.
Severity: Info
Serviceable: No
Automatically notify Support: No