Automatically notify Support: No
Alert Category: System - IMM Network event
SNMP Trap ID: 37
CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0245
User Action:
Information only; no action is required.
FQXSPNM4056I: The NTP server address [arg1] is invalid.
Report NTP server invalid
Severity: Info
Serviceable: No
Automatically notify Support: No
Alert Category: System - IMM Network event
SNMP Trap ID: 37
CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0249
User Action:
Information only; no action is required.
FQXSPNM4057I: Security: IP address: [arg1] had [arg2] login failures, it will be blocked to access
for [arg3] minutes.
This message is for the use case where IP address blocking.
Severity: Info
Serviceable: No
Automatically notify Support: No
Alert Category: System - IMM Network event
SNMP Trap ID: 37
CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0250
User Action:
Information only; no action is required.
FQXSPOS4000I: OS Watchdog response [arg1] by [arg2] .
This message is for the use case where an OS Watchdog has been enabled or disabled by a user.
Severity: Info
Serviceable: No
Automatically notify Support: No
Alert Category: none
CIM Prefix: IMM CIM ID: 0012
User Action:
Information only; no action is required.
FQXSPOS4001I: Watchdog [arg1] Screen Capture Occurred .
This message is for the use case where an operating system error has occurred and the screen was
Severity: Info
Serviceable: No
Automatically notify Support: No
ThinkSystem DA240 Enclosure and ThinkSystem SD630 V2 Compute Node Messages and Codes Reference