Twister / Twister Junior
Service Manual
Issued: 21.01.02
Page 193
21.2 Programming on the PC
Connect the PC using the programming cable to the
programming socket of the joystick box.
Switch the PC on and start the programme (Dynamic
Switch the wheelchair on via the joystick box.
See the required programme version from the
programme version table.
For programming the wheelchair follow the description
of the programme (Software Manual).
Remove the connection cable.
Switch the wheelchair off and on again
Test all driving functions.
Standard joystick box
Twister Junior joystick box
The version of the programme depends on the type of wheelchair.
The program variation tables can be found in the program description (software
handbook) or in the programming device description.
The number of the software version can be found on a sticker on the joystick box.
By means of the programme software, also driving profiles that are individually tailored
to the user can be programmed.
Programming socket
and version number
g socket
Software version number
g socket
Software version number