– After the first login, change the password in time to ensure system access security.
– A password that has been used for a long time is more likely to be stolen or cracked.
The risk increases along with the time of use. Change the password once every three
– It is recommended that you use different user names to log in to both the ECC800-Pro
WebUI and app at the same time. If you use the same user name to log in to the
WebUI and app at the same time, either of them will be forcibly logged out.
5.3.3 Initial Startup Password Authentication
The initial startup password authentication is required only during initial
power-on commissioning. If the authentication has been performed
successfully, no authentication is required afterward.
The startup password needs to be authenticated when you restore the default
settings on the WebUI or by pressing keys.
If the startup password authentication is not complete, the ECC800-Pro
WebUI and app cannot be used for commissioning.
Step 1 Authenticate the startup password on the WebUI.
1. Log in to the ECC800-Pro WebUI as an administrator.
2. Record the values of Barcode and Verify Code in the displayed Startup
Password dialog box.
3. Within 24 hours, inform Huawei technical support of Barcode and Verify
Code to obtain the password. After obtaining the password, enter the
password in the Password text box and click Submit to complete the
authentication of the startup password.
The verification code is valid for 24 hours by default. After the validity period expires,
the verification code is automatically updated. You can also click to update the
verification code.
Step 2 Use the Service Expert app to authenticate the startup password.
1. Download and install the Service Expert app from Huawei AppGallery.
Before the installation, ensure that the PAD has connected to the Internet and the
network is running properly.
Huawei AppGallery installed on the PAD
Log in to the Huawei AppGallery client, search for Service Expert, and
tap Install. Huawei AppGallery is preinstalled on Huawei PAD by default.
Huawei AppGallery not installed on the PAD
FusionModule2000-S Smart Modular Data Center
User Manual
5 Power-On Commissioning
Issue 03 (2021-07-15)
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.