Function Group
M e n u M a p
accesses the automatic level control (ALC) functions.
Coupling Factor
Leveling Mode ALCoff
Leveling Mode
Leveling Mode Search
L e v e l i n g P o i n t
L e v e l i n g P o i n t I n t e r n a l
Leveling Point Module
L e v e l i n g P o i n t
Accesses the ALC bandwidth menu.
Specifies the coupling factor of an
external coupling device and causes
the display to indicate the power at
the coupler main output.
Disables the ALC leveling circuits.
Relative power level is controlled
by means of the level DAC and
attenuator. Power is not sensed at
any point, and absolute power level is
Sets the swept CW generator to
continuous leveling at the specified
leveling point.
The swept CW generator activates
power search leveling mode.
Similar to ALCoff mode, but first
automatically searches for the correct
modulator setting so that the desired
power level is produced.
Sets the swept CW generator to level
power externally. A negative detector
output must be connected to the EXT
ALC input.
Sets the swept CW generator to level
power internally.
Sets the swept CW generator to
level power at the output of a
millimeter-wave module. Either
an HP 8349B or 8355X series
millimeter-wave source module
must be connected to the SOURCE
Sets the swept CW generator to level
power at an external power meter. A
power meter’s recorder output must
be connected to the EXT ALC input.
Operating and Programming Reference A-3