List Menu
2. If the minimum and maximum frequencies of the swept CW
generator frequency range are not the endpoints desired for the
frequency list, use the Auto Fill Start and Auto Fill Stop
to define the frequency list endpoints. Then, use either
the Auto Fill
or Auto Fill #Pts
to create the
list. A list created by this method is ordered with the lowest
frequency as the first point and the highest frequency as the last
point of the frequency list.
Editing Frequency Points
To add a frequency point to the list, place the active entry arrow
where you want the next frequency point to appear. The frequency
point is added directly after the value indicated by the arrow.
Lists created by the Auto Fill method are appended to an existing
list much the same way frequency points are added to a list. The
newly created list is added between the frequency point indicated by
the active entry arrow and the point directly after it.
If adding a new list of frequencies causes the existing list to exceed
the maximum number of frequency points allowed
the new list
is not appended ‘co the existing list. The error message TOO MANY
LIST PTS REQUESTED is displayed.
To remove a frequency point and its associated offset value and dwell
time, use the delete menu (Delete Current
To remove an
entire frequency list, use the delete menu, (Delete All
Editing ALC Offset and Dwell Time
Once a frequency point has been entered, you can assign an ALC
offset and a dwell time value. Use either the Enter List Power
or Global Offset
to enter offset values. Use either the
Enter List Dwell or Global Dwell
to enter dwell time
The editing
of this menu are not accessible over HP-IB.
Frequency lists to be loaded over HP-IB must first be created in the
controlling program and then downloaded in their entirety to the
swept CW generator.
Programming Codes
LIST:FREQuency {<num>[freq
< num>[time
In the above three commands, the entries contained in can be
repeated between 1 to 801 times.
Operating and Programming Reference L-7