Dictionary Manipulation Statements
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
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OUTPUT Statement
OUTPUT Statement
The OUTPUT statement reads existing objects from an open DDL dictionary and writes
them to any open DDL, FUP, REPORT, or host-language source-code files.
is the name of a constant in the open DDL dictionary. You can specify up to 50
is a DDL name that uniquely identifies a definition in an open DDL dictionary. You
can specify up to 50 definitions.
is a DDL name that uniquely identifies a record in an open DDL dictionary. You can
specify up to 50 records.
is a DDL name that uniquely identifies a token code in an open DDL dictionary. You
can specify up to 50 token codes.
is a DDL name that uniquely identifies a token map in an open DDL dictionary. You
can specify up to 50 token maps.
is a DDL name that uniquely identifies a token type in an open DDL dictionary. You
can specify up to 50 token types.
{ CONSTANT { constant-name ... } }
{ { * } }
{ DEF[INITION] { def-name ... } }
{ { * } }
{RECORD { record-name ... } }
{ { * } }
OUTPUT { TOKEN-CODE { token-name ... } }
{ { * } }
{ TOKEN-MAP { map-name ... } }
{ { * } }
{ TOKEN-TYPE { type-name ...} }
{ { * } }