DDL Messages
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
A -62
DDL Error and Warning Messages
Cause. No TOKEN-TYPE clause is specified in a TOKEN-CODE statement.
Effect. DDL rejects the token code.
Recovery. Specify a TOKEN-TYPE clause.
Cause. The DEF IS clause in a TOKEN-MAP statement is already specified.
Effect. DDL rejects the token map.
Recovery. Remove one of the DEF IS clauses and recompile.
Cause. No DEF clause is specified in a TOKEN-MAP statement.
Effect. DDL rejects the token map.
Recovery. Specify a DEFINITION in an open DDL dictionary with a DEF clause.
Cause. A TOKEN-MAP statement generates a C structure that is greater than 32,767
bytes. The entire C structure, not just individual fields, must be less than or equal to
32,767 bytes.
Effect. DDL does not generate C output for the specified token map.
Recovery. Shorten the definition referenced in the TOKEN-MAP statement and
regenerate the C source code.
Cause. A TOKEN-MAP statement generates a Pascal structure that is greater than
32,766 bytes. The entire Pascal structure, not just individual fields, must be less than
or equal to 32,766 bytes.
Effect. DDL does not generate Pascal output for the specified token map.
Recovery. Shorten the definition referenced in the TOKEN-MAP statement and
regenerate the Pascal source code.
***ERROR*** TOKEN-CODE TOKEN-TYPE not specified
***ERROR*** TOKEN-MAP DEFINITION multiply defined
***ERROR*** TOKEN-MAP DEFINITION not specified
***ERROR*** TOKEN-MAP exceeds C 32767-byte limit-
***ERROR*** TOKEN-MAP exceeds Pascal 32766-byte limit-