Dictionary Database Structure
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
D -28
contains the ASCII character Y (yes) if the line item
has the [NOT] SQLNULLABLE clause specified, or N (no) if no such clause is
specified. The default value for this field is N. If the value of this field is Y, the value
of the SQLNULLABLE-FLAG field, described below, indicates whether
SQLNULLABLE or NOT SQLNULLABLE is specified. (If the value of this field is N
and the value of the SQLNULLABLE-FLAG field is Y, the indication is that the line
item, although it has no explicit SQL-nullability specification, is nevertheless SQL-
nullable because of a specification at the group level above.)
contains the number of significant digits
specified as the start-field-precision of the SQL INTERVAL line item. Only line
items of data type SQL INTERVAL use this field. The valid range for this value is 1
through 18. If no start-field-precision is specified, the default value for this field is 2.
contains the number of significant digits with
which the fraction of a second is specified. This field stores the value of
end-field-precision of FRACTION (one of the end-date-time qualifiers) in an SQL
DATETIME or SQL INTERVAL line item. The valid range for this value is 1 through
6. If end-field-precision is not specified, the default value for this field is 6. If no
end-date-time qualifier is specified with FRACTION, the default value for this field
is zero.
contains the ASCII character Y (yes) if the line item is
SQL-nullable, or N (no) if it is not. The default value for this field is N.
contains the ASCII character Y (yes) if the line item is of type
PACKED-DECIMAL or N (no) if it is not. The default value for this field is N.
contains the number of fillers required to add after
INDICATOR field to make the SQL-nullable well-aligned for shared8 alignment.
This field is only used for shared8 alignment.
DICTODF (Object Definition File) is a key-sequenced file that contains one record for
each object in the dictionary.
DICTODF is an important entry point into the dictionary. Given an object name and
object type, DICTODF provides the object number. Given an object number, DICTODF
provides the object type and name.