DDL Messages
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
A -48
DDL Error and Warning Messages
Cause. An OUTPUT UPDATE or SHOW USE OF statement does not include a
keyword to specify an object type; DDL assumes the object is a definition.
Effect. DDL attempts to execute the statement for a definition.
Recovery. If the object is not a definition, specify the object type and resubmit the
Cause. You requested FORTRAN output for a constant, token code, token map, or
token type.
Effect. DDL does not generate FORTRAN code for the object.
Recovery. You can generate source code for these objects in C, COBOL, Pascal,
Cause. The field you specified in the DEPENDING ON phrase of an OCCURS clause
is not defined.
Effect. DDL rejects the object.
Recovery. Define the field referred to in the DEPENDING ON phrase and recompile.
Cause. The field specified in the DEPENDING ON phrase of an OCCURS clause is
not a numeric data type.
Effect. DDL rejects the object.
Recovery. Correct the error and recompile.
Cause. An OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause is nested within an OCCURS clause or
another OCCURS DEPENDING ON clause.
Effect. DDL rejects the object.
Recovery. Correct the error and recompile.
***WARNING*** Object type not specified- DEF assumed
***WARNING*** Object type not supported in FORTRAN-
***ERROR*** OCCURS DEPENDING element not found
***ERROR*** OCCURS DEPENDING element not integer numeric
***ERROR*** OCCURS DEPENDING ON cannot be within an OCCURS