DDL Compiler Commands
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
9 -101
TACL Command
If the TACL source file already exists and the exclamation point is omitted, DDL
appends the DDL objects to the end of the file’s original contents. DDL does not
replace any existing structures.
The compiler can translate DDL objects specified in an OUTPUT statement only if
the dictionary containing these objects is open.
Each DDL object translated into TACL source code is written to the TACL source
file in a separate section that has the same name as the DDL object it contains.
You cannot suppress the generation of individual section headings in TACL source
code with the SETSECTION command.
CODE, TOKEN-MAP, or TOKEN-TYPE statement can be translated into TACL
data structures.
DDL replaces any hyphen in a DDL object name with a circumflex (
) before
writing the name to the TACL source file.
DDL translates each DDL object (except constants) to one or more TACL
structures; DDL translates constants to TACL text variables.
For the data types that DDL generates for TACL source code, see
Table C-5
page C-10.
When translating a definition or record, DDL generates a TACL structure
corresponding to the data type of each field or group of fields in the definition or
record, unless the field or group is defined with a TACL clause.
If a field definition or a field or group description includes a TACL clause, DDL
generates a TACL structure with the high-level TACL data type specified in the
TACL clause.
DDL performs the following checks before generating TACL source code:
Checks whether a definition or record contains a data type not supported by
TACL; if so, DDL issues a warning.
Checks whether a definition, record, or token map generates a TACL structure
with more than 5,000 bytes; if so, DDL issues an error message and does not
generate the object.
Checks whether a CONSTANT generates a TACL text variable with a value
greater than 130 ASCII characters, including any tildes (~) emitted by DDL; if
so, DDL issues an error message and does not generate the object.
TACL Command Example
In the following example, DDL retrieves the record CUSTOMER from the open
dictionary, translates it into TACL source code, and writes the source code to the file
\DALLAS.$DATA.SALES.TACLSRC. If this file already exists, DDL appends the entry
for CUSTOMER to the file.