Dictionary Maintenance
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
10- 6
Deleting Referenced Objects
b. Use the EDIT command to examine the DDL source file. Make a note of the
name of the section that contains the DELETE statements produced by
OUTPUT UPDATE; then exit from the editor.
5. Delete all the referring objects from the dictionary. Use the SOURCE command to
submit the DDL source file section containing the DELETE statements for these
objects to the DDL compiler. This step executes the DELETE statements,
effectively deleting the objects from the dictionary.
6. Delete the object. Use a DELETE statement to delete the object from the
To illustrate this procedure, suppose you want to delete the definition of a field called
AGE from the dictionary and this definition is referenced by another definition and by a
record, as the following example shows:
DEF age PIC 99.
DEF employ.
02 empnum PIC 9(4).
02 empname PIC X(18).
02 age TYPE *.
02 employ TYPE *.
02 region PIC 9(4).
02 branchnum PIC 9(4).