DDL Messages
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
A -60
DDL Error and Warning Messages
Cause. The name of a definition or token map exceeds the limit of 31 ASCII
characters pTAL or TAL allows for these names.
Effect. DDL does not write the definition or token map to the pTAL or TAL source file.
Recovery. Shorten the name, recompile the definition or token map, and request
output to the pTAL or TAL source file.
Cause. The key name constructed by DDL exceeds the maximum allowed length of a
pTAL or TAL name. DDL constructs the name from the names of each element in the
name hierarchy and adds ^KEY to the end.
Effect. DDL changes the keytag literal into a pTAL or TAL comment.
Recovery. Change the names of elements in the record or reduce the number of
levels that make up this key.
Cause. You requested pTAL or TAL output for an object, but the object does not
conform to pTAL or TAL rules.
Effect. A message follows describing the pTAL or TAL error. DDL does not write the
object to the pTAL or TAL source file.
Recovery. Correct the error and recompile.
Cause. A TALBOUND or PASCALBOUND command has a value other than 0 or 1.
Effect. The TALBOUND or PASCALBOUND value does not change.
Recovery. Correct the error and recompile if necessary. TALBOUND or
PASCALBOUND affects only pTAL or TAL source output.
Cause. The
number in DICTDDF exceeded the unsigned 32-bit
range. The object text file in the dictionary is full and no more objects can be added.
***ERROR*** TAL DEF or TOKEN MAP name too long
***ERROR*** TAL name literal too long- commenting out
***WARNING*** TALBOUND ot PASCALBOUND must be 0 or 1- value
not changed
***FATAL ERROR*** Text ID number exceeded maximum value in