DDL Compiler Commands
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
9- 71
LIST Command Example
The following example shows placement of LIST and NOLIST commands in the source
file to control listing of source lines:
The NCLCONSTANT command directs the DDL compiler to generate Network Control
Language (NCL) constant output.
opens the specified NCL source file, translates all subsequent DDL Constant
objects defined by statements or output from the dictionary into NCL source
statements, and writes them to the open NCL source file. If an NCL source file is
already open, the command closes the current file and opens a new source file.
identifies the NCL source file. If you omit
, DDL lists the NCL
Constant source statements at the home terminal.
purges the contents of any existing NCL source file before creating and opening a
new file. If the specified file does not exist, DDL ignores the exclamation point.
closes the currently open NCL source file and stops translating DDL objects.
NONCLCONSTANT is the default.
{ NCLCONSTANT [ NCL-source-file [ ! ] ] | NONCLCONSTANT }
*beginning of
source file
*end of source file
List source lines by default
Starting with this command, stop
listing source lines
Resume listing source
lines, continue to the end
of the source file