Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
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Dictionary Maintenance
Dictionary maintenance includes the following functions:
Generating a new (backup) source schema from an existing dictionary
Adding new objects to the dictionary
Deleting existing objects from the dictionary
Modifying existing dictionary objects
Making major modifications to an existing dictionary
Changing dictionary security
Moving a dictionary from one subvolume to another
Purging a dictionary from a subvolume
Increasing the size of dictionary files
Rebuilding the dictionary
Converting a dictionary
The procedures for performing these maintenance functions are described briefly in
this section.
Generating a Backup Schema
There are a number of reasons why you might want to generate a new source schema
from the dictionary. For example:
You can use a new source schema as a backup for a dictionary created from the
DDL compiler.
You might have made so many minor changes to definitions and records in the
dictionary that the original source schema is out of date.
You might have lost the original schema or purged it by accident.
To generate a source schema, use the OUTPUT statement to generate DDL source
code for all the objects in an open dictionary and write the code to an open DDL source
file. You generally perform these steps in an interactive DDL session, as follows:
1. Use the DICT, DICTN, or DICTR command to open the dictionary.
2. Use the DDL command to open a DDL source file to contain the new schema.
3. Use an OUTPUT statement to generate DDL source statements from the dictionary
objects and write them to the open DDL source file.
Note. Changing a DDL dictionary does not change any database described by the dictionary,
nor do any changes to a database affect the dictionary.
Note. Do not attempt to back up a dictionary that is part of a Pathmaker catalog using the
following procedure. Pathmaker dictionaries contain application design information that is not
generated in DDL schemas.