SPI Tokens
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
7- 22
TOKEN-MAP Statement
VERSION "C10" FOR jobusername.
The preceding example assumes that every possible value of the integer field
JOBCLASS is legitimate so that an SPI null value cannot be used to indicate its
presence or absence. In this case, the Boolean JOBCLASS-IS-PRESENT field
indicates whether there is a JOBCLASS value. When this technique is used, a version
is specified for JOBCLASS-IS-PRESENT and NOVERSION is specified for
JOBCLASS. NOVERSION removes the JOBCLASS field from consideration when
determining its version; SPI assumes that the version number of JOBCLASS-IS-
PRESENT indicates the correct version for JOBCLASS.
For a description of using an is-present field, see the Distributed Systems Management
(DSM) Manual.
The following examples show how to specify version numbers for bit fields:
DEF bits-layout-x.
02 x-1 Type BIT 5.
02 x-filler Type BIT 3.
02 x-2 Type BIT 7.
TOKEN-MAP map-bits-x VALUE is 1 DEF is bits-layout-x.
VERSION "D40" FOR x-1 THRU x-2.
DEF bits-layout-y.
02 y-1 Type BIT 4.
02 y-2 Type BIT 8.
02 y-3 Type BIT 6.
TOKEN-MAP map-bits-y VALUE is 32740 DEF is bits-layout-y.
VERSION 10000 FOR y-1 THRU y-2.
VERSION 15000 FOR y-3.
DEF bit-ddl-ex-a.
02 bits-8 Type BIT 8.
02 bits-3 Type BIT 3.
02 bits-2 Type BIT 2.
02 bits-10 Type BIT 10.
02 bits-1 Type BIT 1.
TOKEN-MAP bit-map-ex-a VALUE 1 DEF bit-ddl-ex-a.
VERSION "D20" FOR bits-8.
VERSION "D30" FOR bits-3 THRU bits-2.
VERSION "D40" FOR bits-10 THRU bits-1.
DEF bit-ddl-ex-c.
02 char-3 Type CHARACTER 3 SPI-NULL 255.
02 bits-8 Type BIT 8.