Definitions and Records
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
5- 11
Definition Error Handling
89 write-error .
Group Definitions:
Reference Definitions:
DEF cust-name TYPE company-name
HEADING "Customer" .
DEF home-phone TYPE phone
HEADING "Employee/Home Phone" .
Definition Error Handling
When the DDL compiler encounters an error in a DEFINITION statement, it continues
processing the statement to determine if there are other errors before processing the
next statement. DDL does not add the definition to the dictionary, and if any source-
code files are open, DDL does not write the definition to those files.
An extra period in a group definition might cause DDL to not report any additional
errors until it encounters END.
DEF address .
03 street-address .
05 street-no
PIC X (8) .
05 street
PIC X (12) .
05 apt-ro
PIC X (4) .
03 city
PIC X (14) .
03 state-cd
PIC X (2) .
03 zip
PIC 9 (5) .
DEF phone .
DISPLAY "N<( 999) 999-
03 area-cd
PIC 9 (3) .
03 prefix
PIC 9 (3) .
03 numb
PIC 9 (4) .
DEF cust-info .
03 company-name
HEADING "Company" .
03 cust-address
TYPE "address"
HEADING "Address" .
03 cust-phone
TYPE "phone"
HEADING "phone .
DEF customer .
03 custname
TYPE cust-name .
03 custid
PIC 9 (6) .
Note optional period
Level number must not be
04 or greater