DDL Messages
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
A- 6
DDL Error and Warning Messages
/* Constant EMP1 created on 07/21/2000 at 19:45 */
#define EMP1 “JYOTI”
C output produced for EMP1.
Output source for C is closed.
***WARNING*** CIFNDEF or CIFDEF is not ended by CENDIF for C output
Recovery. No recovery is necessary. Just ensure that the required number of
?CENDIF statements were used.
Cause. A COBOL base in a COBLEVEL command is not a positive integer between 1
and 49.
Effect. DDL issues a warning; base level is set to 1.
Recovery. Correct the error and recompile.
Cause. An object to be written to a COBOL source file has more than 7 levels of
nested OCCURS clauses.
Effect. DDL does not write the object to the COBOL source file.
Recovery. Reduce the levels of nested OCCURS clauses and recompile the object.
Cause. You requested COBOL85 output by default or with a SETCOBOL85
command, but the object does not conform to COBOL85 rules.
Effect. A message follows describing the COBOL85 error. DDL does not write the
object to the COBOL85 source file.
Recovery. If you want COBOL85 output, correct the object definition the conform to
COBOL85 rules and recompile.
Cause. A file code in a record definition is an integer between 100 and 999, the range
reserved for use by HP.
Effect. DDL continues compiling the statement.
***WARNING*** COBOL base is not a legal positive int- value
not changed
***ERROR*** COBOL maximum occurs nesting exceeded- nth nested
***WARNING*** CODE withing range reserved by TANDEM, 100-999