DDL Compiler Commands
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
9- 76
The NOFILEFORMAT command specifies no file format in FUP source files. It:
Suppresses specification of any file format in FUP source files.
Nullifies the effect of the OLDFUP_FILEFORMAT or NEWFUP_FILE FORMAT
command if either of those commands is already in use.
NOFILEFORMAT Command Guidelines
The following points are guidelines for using the NOFILEFORMAT command:
By default, DDL uses the NOFILEFORMAT command.
No format is specified for both alternate key and main files.
The NOFILEFORMAT command allows the user to generate FUP output without
any format specification.
DDL does not allow you to define a record length that is more than the maximum
allowed length for the particular type of file.
For files with no format specification, the maximum allowed record length
(assuming the block size as 4096 bytes) is as follows.
If you attempt to define a record size that is greater than the above specified
record sizes DDL issues
an error message.
NOFILEFORMAT Command Example
The following example illustrates the use of the NOFILEFORMAT command:
20> DDL
!02 EMP-NAME PIC X(20).
!02 EMP-ID PIC 9(4) COMP.
!02 EMP-SALARY PIC 9(6)V9(2).
File type
Record size (<2GB file)
4096 Bytes
4062 Bytes
4072 Bytes
4072 Bytes