SPI Tokens
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
7 -8
TOKEN-CODE Statement
The generated values are identical to the values generated for COBOL, pTAL, TAL,
TACL, or C source-code output from the same TOKEN-TYPE statements.
TOKEN-CODE Statement
The TOKEN-CODE statement defines a token code used to identify a particular simple
token and stores the definition in an open dictionary.
If the TOKEN-CODE statement identifies a token code that already exists in the open
dictionary, DDL replaces the existing token code with the new token code.
If the appropriate source-code files are open, DDL generates C, COBOL85, Pascal,
pTAL, TACL, or TAL token-code structures when it executes the TOKEN-CODE
is a DDL name that identifies a particular token. For the rules governing DDL
names, see
Section 2, DDL Language Elements
VALUE [ IS ]{token-number }
identifies a particular token.
is an integer in the range -32768 to 32767.
Token numbers for subsystems you write must be in the range 1 to 9998. Numbers
outside this range are reserved by HP or are previously defined by SPI.
TOKEN-CODE token-name
VALUE [ IS ] {token-number }
TOKEN-TYPE [ IS ] type-name
[ SSID {“subsystem-id”} ]
[ {constant-name } ]
[ HEADING { “label” } ]
[ { constant-name} ]
[ DISPLAY { “display-format” } ]
[ { constant-name } ]