Definitions and Records
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
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Record Structure Syntax
MUST BE clause
specifies the set of valid values that can be entered into a field. Requesters
generated by Pathmaker enforce the MUST BE constraints; user-written programs
must be coded to enforce them.
NULL clause
assigns a null value to a field or group used as an alternate key in an Enscribe
structured file.
OCCURS clause
declares a subscripted array of like fields or like groups.
declares a variable-length array, only for COBOL or DDL source code.
assigns two different data structures with different names to the same file space.
SPI-NULL clause
assigns a null value to a field or group used in an SPI structured token.
specifies whether a line item is to be treated as an SQL nullable item.
TACL clause
associates a TACL data type with a DDL data type defined in a field DEFINITION,
group DEFINITION, or RECORD statement.
UPSHIFT clause
specifies that ASCII characters entered in this field must be upshifted. Requesters
generated by Pathmaker upshift character strings entered into this field; user-
written programs must be coded to upshift them.
USAGE clause
declares a numeric storage allocation for a field or group.
VALUE clause
specifies an initial value for a field or group.
88 condition-name clause
declares a condition name and assigns a value or values to the name, only for
COBOL or DDL source code.