Named Constants
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
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CONSTANT Statement
Pascal Guidelines
The following points are guidelines for generating Pascal source code from
CONSTANT statements:
If you request Pascal source-code output, by giving the PASCAL command, DDL
generates Pascal constants.
DDL converts any hyphen in the constant name to an underscore (_) in the Pascal
constant name.
Pascal does not support the TYPE clause in the CONSTANT statement.
For a string constant, DDL generates a Pascal FSTRING constant.
For a numeric constant, DDL generates a Pascal numeric constant.
For a version constant, DDL generates the version number.
TACL Guidelines
The following points are guidelines for generating TACL source code from CONSTANT
If you request TACL source-code output, by giving the TACL command, DDL
generates TACL TEXT variables for named constants.
DDL converts any hyphen in the constant name to a circumflex (^) in the TACL
TEXT variable name.
For a string constant, DDL generates a TACL TEXT variable with a value derived
from the DDL constant value.
The value of the TACL TEXT variable differs from the DDL constant if certain
special characters are specified in the constant. DDL precedes the following
special characters with a tilde (~) in the variable:
[ ] { } | ==
For example, the value in the following CONSTANT statement includes special
This CONSTANT statement results in the following TACL source code:
The total number of bytes generated for a TACL string constant cannot exceed
130, including any generated tildes. If the value would be longer than 130
bytes, DDL does not generate the TACL constant.
For a numeric constant, DDL generates a TACL TEXT variable with a value
identical to the value of the DDL constant.