Dictionary Maintenance
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
10 -22
Converting a Dictionary
Version 5, used by C20 and C30 versions of the DDL compiler.
Version 6, used by D00, D10, and D20 versions of the DDL compiler
Version 7, used by D30 and later version of the DDL compiler
To have full use of a dictionary created with DDL software prior to version D00 from a
D-series version of DDL, follow the conversion procedures described in this
To convert a dictionary, perform the following steps:
1. Generate a schema from the existing dictionary. Use the DDL OUTPUT *
statement to generate a schema in a DDL source file as described under
Generating a Backup Schema
on page 10-1.
2. Check the new DDL source before continuing.
3. Close the DDL source output file.
4. Clear the existing dictionary. Use the DICT ! command to clear the dictionary files
of their objects.
5. Recreate the dictionary. Use the DDL SOURCE command to create a new
dictionary from the DDL source file. Any dictionary on the subvolume used for the
conversion will be overwritten.
For example, you can use the following commands and statements to convert a
version 4 or 5 dictionary on subvolume $DATA.SALES to a new dictionary on the same
If you run Enform reports using $SYSTEM.SYSTEM.DDQUERYS against a converted
dictionary, change the dictionary description embedded in the dictionary on
$SYSTEM.DDL and install the release of Enform that corresponds to this release of
DDL. After you upgrade the dictionary on $SYSTEM.DDL to Version 7 and install the
D-series version of Enform, you can still use the Version 7 dictionary to report against
dictionaries that have not yet been converted as long as you do not use D-series or
G-series dictionary features in the reports.
Note. Do not attempt to convert a dictionary that is part of a Pathmaker application catalog
using this procedure. Instead, refer to Pathmaker documentation for the appropriate process.
67> VOLUME $data.sales
68> DDL
!? DDL ddlsrc !
!? DICT !
!? SOURCE ddlsrc
Run DDL interactively
Open the dictionary on $DATA.SALES
Open the DDL source file DDLSRC
Generate dictionary schema on DDLSRC
Close source file DDLSRC and check DDLSRC before continuing
Clear the dictionary on $DATA.SALES
Generate new dictionary objects from the
schema on DDLSRC