DDL Messages
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
A -73
DDL Error and Warning Messages
Cause. A field definition or description contains both REDEFINES and VALUE
clauses. A field described with a REDEFINES clause cannot have an initial value.
Effect. DDL rejects the object.
Recovery. Correct the error and recompile.
Cause. The field or group name following the keyword FOR in a TOKEN-MAP
VERSION clause cannot be found in the referenced definition.
Effect. DDL rejects the token map.
Recovery. Check the referenced definition. Either correct the name in the VERSION
clause, or correct the field or group name in the referenced definition; then recompile.
Cause. A field or group name in a definition referenced by a TOKEN-MAP VERSION
clause is not unique within the definition.
Effect. DDL rejects the token map.
Recovery. Check the referenced definition, and qualify the group or field name that
follows FOR in the VERSION clause to make the name unique; then recompile.
Cause. The field or group specified after THRU does not follow the field or group
specified after FOR in a TOKEN-MAP VERSION clause.
Effect. DDL rejects the token map.
Recovery. Check the definition referenced in the TOKEN-MAP statement, and correct
the VERSION clause to specify a THRU element that follows a FOR item in the
referenced definition; then recompile.
Cause. A field or group name following the keyword THRU in a TOKEN-MAP
VERSION clause cannot be found in the referenced definition.
Effect. DDL rejects the token map.
***ERROR*** VALUE item found with or within REDEFINES name
***ERROR*** Version FOR name not found
***ERROR*** Version FOR name not unique
***ERROR*** Version THRU element doesn’t follow FOR element
***ERROR*** Version THRU name not found