DDL Messages
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
A -33
DDL Error and Warning Messages
Cause. The locale name is invalid.
Effect. DDL rejects the text item.
Recovery. Use a valid locale name.
Cause. You entered an invalid number; for example, %8.
Effect. DDL rejects the object containing the invalid number.
Recovery. Specify the number correctly and recompile.
Cause. In an OCCURS
TIMES clause, the value
is less than or equal to 1.
Effect. DDL rejects the object.
Recovery. Correct
and recompile.
Cause. PICTURE string does not conform to required syntax.
Effect. DDL rejects the object.
Recovery. Correct the PICTURE string and recompile.
Cause. The first value in a specified range is greater than the second value.
Effect. DDL rejects the object containing invalid range.
Recovery. Correct the range and recompile.
Cause. A section name in a SOURCE command is invalid or is not present when
expected, or a comma is missing between section names in a SOURCE command.
Effect. DDL issues a warning and ignores the SOURCE command.
***ERROR*** Invalid locale name
***ERROR*** Invalid number
***ERROR*** Invalid OCCURS value
***ERROR*** Invalid PICTURE string
***ERROR*** Invalid range specified
***WARNING*** Invalid section name