DDL Messages
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
A -50
DDL Error and Warning Messages
Recovery. Change the file security and manually purge the remaining dictionary files.
Cause. A field definition or description has more than one PICTURE or TYPE clause.
Effect. DDL rejects the object.
Recovery. Remove all but one PICTURE or TYPE clause and recompile.
Cause. DDL was asked to generate output for a source language other than COBOL
and the DDL item contains a PACKED-DECIMAL field.
Effect. DDL issues error messages and does not generate output for the language
identified as
. For example:
! SCHEMA PRODUCED DATE - TIME : 8/01/2000 - 15:05:22
Output source for TAL is opened on $ZTN1.#PTPJHYV
!def emp pic 9999 PACKED-DECIMAL.
Definition EMP size is 3 bytes.
Definition EMP added to dictionary.
*** ERROR *** Element contains PACKED-DECIMAL data type - EMP
*** ERROR *** PACKED-DECIMAL data type is not supported in TAL
*** ERROR *** Errors detected - no output produced for EMP
Effect. Recovery is not possible. Remove the COMP-3, COMPUTATIONAL-3, or
PACKED-DECIMAL data item from the definition or record. Such data items are not
supported in C, FORTRAN, pTAL, PASCAL, TAL, or TACL.
Effect. The name of a definition or record exceeds the Pascal limit of 31 ASCII
characters for these names.
Effect. DDL does not write the definition or record to the Pascal source file.
Recovery. Shorten the name and recompile the definition or record.
Cause. You requested Pascal output, but the object does not conform to Pascal
syntax rules.
***ERROR*** Only one TYPE clause per element allowed
***ERROR*** PACKED-DECIMAL data type is not supported in
***ERROR*** Pascal DEF or RECORD or variant record name too
long- object-name