Dictionary Database Structure
Data Definition Language (DDL) Reference Manual — 426798-002
D -12
contains the object-number of the constant used
to define the token number; if the token number was not specified using a
constant, this field is set to 0.
contains the object number of the definition (DEF) for the token map.
The definition defines the data structure of the extensible structured token
described by the token map.
contains the text ID of the OTF record that contains the subsystem ID
value for the token map.
contains the text ID of the OTF record that contains the heading
value for the token map.
DICTOBL (Object Build List) is a key-sequenced file containing one record for each
element of each unique object in the dictionary. The primary key of the file is the
OBJECT field from DICTODF plus a sequentially assigned element number.
An object can contain one or more elements. For example, the following definition is an
object that contains four elements:
If an object or an element within an object is defined by a TYPE * or TYPE def-name
clause, elements of the referenced object are copied into each DICTOBL field for the
referring object. The top-level SOURCE-DEF field in this file contains the object
number of the referenced definition.
If a record's structure is defined by a DEFINITION IS def-name clause, DICTOBL has
no entry for the referenced object. Instead, linkage is made through DICTRDF (Record
Definition File). DICTRDF.DEF-NUMBER contains the object number of the referenced
definition. For all other records, DICTRDF.DEF-NUMBER contains the object number
of the record itself.
DEF example.
02 field-1 PIC X.
02 group-2.
03 field-3 PIC X.
Element 0
Element 1
Element 2
Element 3