8029HEPTA-V2/GPS GPS - NTP Time Server with LAN Interface - V08.00
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Elektronik GmbH
Nottebohmstr. 41
• D-58511 Lüdenscheid • Tel.: +49 (0)2351 9386-86 • Fax: +49 (0)2351 9386-93 • Internet: http://www.hopf.com • E-Mail: [email protected]
GPS - NTP Time Server 8029HEPTA/GPS
By GPS time synchronization and the worldwide used time protocol
NTP (Network Time
the Time Server 8029HEPTA/GPS turns into a highly accurate
NTP Stratum 1
Server. It is used for the synchronization of computers and industrial networks.
The Time Server supports the following synchronization protocols:
NTP (incl. SNTP)
SINEC H1 time datagram (
Activation Key necessary
Front Side
Rear Side
The Time Server 8029HEPTA/GPS is integrated into a 1U/84HP 19" rack and characterized
by its easy and simple operation. Some of these practice-oriented functionalities are e.g.:
Complete parameterisation via protected WebGUI access
All required settings for operation can be executed via a password protected WebGUI
also giving an overview of the status of the Time Server 8029HEPTA/GPS.
LCD-Display and Status-LEDs in the front panel
The LCD-Display and the Status-LEDs make rapidly and easily substantial information
for commissioning, on the operating status and for support matters available if a
problem occurs, even without WebGUI access.
Monitoring of GPS antenna circuit
An error message is generated when there is a short circuit in the GPS antenna circuit
or an open antenna input.
Automatic switch-over of summer/winter time
(initial setting required)
After initial commissioning there is no user intervention for a correct summer/winter
time changeover for the following years required.
Automatic handling of the leap second
Should a leap second be inserted in the UTC time, it is recognized by the Time Server
8029HEPTA/GPS via the GPS signal and the leap second is automatically inserted in
the time information.
Customized extensions possible
The new designed housing concept allows customized system extensions for
additional signal outputs (processed ex-works) easily and fast.