Cenova Image Analytics Server 3.0 Installation & Service Manual
Chapter 4: Administrative Functions
MAN-05205 Revision 003
Page 89
Case Manager
Columns /
Case Result
ABORTED – This setting will display the cases aborted by the
Cenova server.
FAILURE – This setting will display cases in which the algorithm
has failed to run.
NOT_RUN – This setting will display cases in which the
algorithm has not been run. These cases will
be run.
PARTIAL_FAILURE – This setting will display cases in which the
algorithm has had a partial failure.
SUCCESS – This setting will display cases in which the algorithm
ran successfully.
Output Status
COMPLETED – This setting will display the completed cases.
That is, a case that has gone through application processing and
has been routed to a PACS, workstation, or both.
COMPLETED_WITH_ERROR – This setting will display the
completed cases that contain errors.
IN_PROGRESS – This setting will display cases currently in
NOT_MAPPED – This setting will display cases that have not
been mapped.
NOT_RUN – This setting will display cases that have not run.
These cases will
be run.
NoFilter – To remove specific values that you have typed into
column heading boxes, click NoFilter.
Selected Date – When you click Selected Date, only the specific
study date information you type in will be displayed. Click to
choose a date.
After – The Case Manager will retrieve all cases processed after
the selected date. Click to choose a date.
Before – The Case Manager will retrieve all cases processed before
the selected date. Click to choose a date.