Cenova Image Analytics Server 3.0 Installation & Service Manual
Chapter 3: Installing the System
MAN-05205 Revision 003
Page 61
Whenever the Cenova server receives both conventional digital mammography
and Raw Projection images for the same case, this setting determines which
Quantra results will be output (2D or 3D).
to confirm the settings.
3.4.7 Configuring Processing – DigitalNow HD
Use the Processing – DigitalNow HD screen to specify processing settings for the
DigitalNow HD application. The settings must be determined through consultation with
clinical staff when you install the application. Once established, you can adjust the
settings as needed.
This section provides information on configuring the following options:
on page 62
on page 63
on page 64
on page 64
DigitalNow HD Processing Timeout
To set the DigitalNow HD options:
Consult with clinic staff to determine the settings.
DigitalNow HD
. The Processing screen appears.