The Panda Generator
Panda_AGT-DC_5000_12V_s01285_Operation manual.R03 - Chapter 4: The Panda Generator Page 57
Operation Instructions
4.4.1 Daily routine checks before starting
1. Oil level control (ideal level: 2/3 of maximum).
True, the diesel motor automatically switches off when there is a lack of oil, but it is very damaging for the motor, if
the oil level drops to the lowest limit. Air can be sucked in suddenly when the boat rocks in heavy seas, if the oil
level is at a minimum. This affects the grease in the bearings. It is therefore necessary to check the oil level daily
before initially running the generator. The oil level must be topped up to the 2/3 of maximum level, if the level
drops below the mark between maximum und minimum levels.
2. State of cooling water.
The external compensation tank should be filled up to a maximum of in a cold state. It is very important that large
expansion area remains above the cooling water level.
3. Open sea cock for cooling water intake.
For safety reasons, the seacock must be closed after the generator has been switched off. It should be re-opened
before starting the generator.
4. Check raw water filter.
The raw water filter must be regularly checked and cleaned. The impeller fatigue increases, if residual affects the
raw water intake.
5. Check all hose connections and hose clamps are leakage.
Leaks at hose connections must be immediately repaired, especially the raw water impeller pump. It is certainly
possible that the raw water impeller pump will produce leaks, depending upon the situation. (This can be caused
by sand particles in the raw water etc.) In this case, immediately exchange the pump, because the dripping water
will be sprayed by the belt pulley into the sound insulated casing and can quickly cause corrosion.
6. Check all electrical lead terminal contacts are firm.
This is especially the case with the temperature switch contacts, which automatically switch off the generator in
case of faults. There is only safety if these systems are regularly checked, and these systems will protect the gen-
erator, when there is a fault.
7. Check the motor and generator mounting screws are tight.
The mounting screws must be checked regularly to ensure the generator is safe. A visual check of these screws
must be made, when the oil level is checked.
8. Switch the land electricity/generator switch to zero before starting or switch off all the load.
The generator should only be started when all the load have been switched off. The excitation of the generator will
be suppressed, if the generator is switched off with load connected, left for a while, or switched on with extra load,
thus reducing the residual magnetism necessary for excitation of the generator to a minimum. In certain circum-
stances, this can lead to the generator being re-excitated by means of a DC source. If the generator does not exci-
tate itself when starting, then excitation by means of DC must be carried out again.
9. Check the automatic controls functions and oil pressure.
Removing a cable end from the monitoring switch carries out this control test. The generator should then automat-
ically switch off. Please adhere to the inspection timetable (see Checklist in the appendix).