Special notes and safety instructions for
AGT- Generators
Kapitel/Chapter 2: Special notes and safety instructions for AGT- Generators - Seite/Page 25
2. Special notes and safety instructions for AGT- Genera-
General safety references concerning operation of an AGT generator.
Special safety precautions must me made with all energy systems, in order to protect the environment of the com-
ponents against fire.
It is very important to ensure that the main switch on the battery is well accessible, so that in case of danger, this
main switch can immediately be separated. However, the main switch must also be mounted close to the battery. If
the place is not well accessible, it is necessary to install a power relay instead of the main switch, which can even-
tually be controlled from different places. The switches for the power relay must be marked as main switch DC bat-
tery "switch off at danger".
2.1.1 Cooling of the rectifier block at the marine versions
The rectifier block is cooled with fresh water. A normal cooling of the rectifier block is therefore only possible, as long
as the cooling water supply of the generator functions correctly.
Bus bars and radiator boxes are controlled by thermal relays. After a cooling system fault, the diodes must be exami-
ned. See chapter failure/maintenance in this manual.
Warning! General Warning
Never start the generator with disconnected battery as the rec-
tifiers can be damaged!
CAUTION! Danger of electrical impact during
Contact of the electrical contacts may be DANGER TO LIVE!
Sample System AGT DC Generator
Attention!: Important Note
The AGT-generator is not allowed to be connected to an inverter (without
The Inverter generates voltage peaks, which can destroy the rectifier recti-
fiers of the generator!